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Common terms Used in Connection with Accounting for Royalty

Common terms Used in Connection with Accounting for Royalty

1. Minimum Rent / Dead Rent

A contract is entered into between the landlord and the lessee for payment of royalty, usually calculated upon the quantum of production or sale at a certain stipulated rate.

So, if there is little or no production or sale, the landlord would receive little or no royalty at all, thus affects the monetary interest of the landlord as well as the lessee. It is normally not acceptable to the owner, since sale or production mostly depends on the capacity of the person to whom the rights have been given. To avoid such a situation, the landlord and the lessee agreed upon a minimum periodical amount that the landlord will receive from the lessee, even if the actual royalty as calculated on the basis of actual production orsale isless than such minimum amount.

This assured and mutually agreed periodical minimum amount is known as “Minimum Rent”.

Example: Suppose royalty per ton of production is ` 10 and the minimum (annual) rent is ` 4, 00,000. Now, the actual production is 35,000 tons, then actual royalty would become ` 3, 50,000. In this case the minimum rent of ` 4, 00,000 will have to be paid by the lessee. On the other hand, if the actual production is 46,000 tons, then the actual royalty would become ` 4, 60,000. In this case ` 4, 60,000 will have to be paid by the lessee.

Thus, as there is a stipulation for minimum rent, then either the minimum rent or the actual royalty whichever is more shall have to be paid by the lessee.

The minimum rent is also called dead rent, certain rent, fixed rent, etc.

2. Short workings/Redeemable Dead Rent

Short workings are the amount by which the minimum rent exceeds the actual royalty. It is the difference between Actual Rent and Minimum Rent.

In the above example, the short workings is ` 50,000 (` 4, 00,000 – ` 3, 50,000). Where there is short workings in any period the lessee is liable to pay the minimum rent and, in effect, short workings becomes the part of the minimum rent and not represented by the use of rights.

The question of short workings will arise only when there is a stipulation for minimum rent in the agreement.

3. Excess working

It refers to the amount by which the actual royalty exceeds the minimum rent. In the above example, the excess workings is` 60,000 (` 4, 60,000 – ` 4, 00,000) if the production is 46,000 tons.

4. Ground Rent/Surface Rent

It refers to the fixed yearly or half-yearly rent payable by the lessee to the landlord in addition to the minimum rent.

5. Recoupment of Short workings

Generally the royalty agreement contains a provision for carrying forward of short workings with a view to adjust it in the future. In the subsequent years, such short working is adjusted against the surplus royalty. This process of adjustment is called recoupment of short workings. The right of recoupment of short workings enables the lessee to recover the excess payment, made in the earlier yearsto meet the condition of payment of minimum rent. A time is usually agreed upon the number of years for which such short workings can be recouped. This time limit for recoupment of short workings may be fixed or fluctuating. If the short workings cannot be recouped within the specified time, they lapse and are charged to Profit and Loss Account in the year when that specified time limit for recoupment ends.

(i) Fixed right:

When the lessee can recoup short workings within a certain period from the date of the lease it is known as fixed right. For example,short workings can be recouped within three years from the date of the lease. So, after three years from the date of the lease the short workings cannot be recouped.

(ii) Fluctuating right:

In this type of agreement, lessee can recoup short workings of any year during the next following year(s). For example, short workings can be recouped in the year subsequent to the year of short workings.

6. Strike and Lockout, etc.:

If agreement so provides, the minimum rent may be proportionately reduced in the event of strike and/ or lockout. So special entry is required for the same except the adjustment of minimum rent for that particular year.

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